*The Snergs and their influence on the Hobbit(s) door Marion Kippers
*Cyclic cataclysms, Semitic stereotypes and religious reforms: a classicist´s Númenor door Pamina Fernandez Camacho
*A survey among graves: burial rites in Middle-earth door Frank Wasmus
*The parentage of Gil-galad – a textual history door Renée Vink
*The Great War – Sauron against the Elves in the Second Age door Sjoerd van der Weide
*Fire of Orthanc – Gunpowder in Middle-earth door Arti Ponsen
*The Bones in the Soup: the Anglo-Saxon Flavour of Tolkien’s The Hobbit door Thijs Porck
*The Unnatural History of Tolkien’s Orcs door Tyellas