Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall speldje
I Fear Neither Death nor Pain speldje
Wapenschild van Gondor speldje
Tolkiens monogram met ringinscriptie speldje
Tolkiens monogram speldje
De deur van Balingshoek met Gandalfs teken speldje
De Witte Boom van Gondor speldje
Hoorn van Boromir emaille speldje
I Am No Man met Éowyn emaille speldje
Rohan schild "I Am No Man" speldje
Bilbo en Gandalf in de Gouw emaille speldje
The Fellowship of the Ring speldje
The Lord of the Rings/ Saurons Oog emaille speldje
The Hobbit emaille boekspeldje
LOTR/monogram emaille boekspeldje
Ene Ring emaille speldje (rood)
Ene Ring emaille speldje (goud)
Mallorn blad emaille speldje
I'm going on an adventure emaille speldje
Gandalf voor de poort van Moria speldje
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost speldje
Desolation of Smaug button/badges
Bilbo Balings speldje. Noble
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Party pin set
An Unexpected Journey Collectors pin
The Desolation of Smaug Collectors pin
The Battle of the Five Armies Collectors pin
The Fellowship of the Ring Collectors pin
The Two Towers Collectors pin
The Return of the King Collectors pin
Dwergse helm speldje. Weta
Rohan en Gondor speldjes
The Lord of the Rings Collectors Pins 2-pack
Helms Diepte en Orthanc speldjes
The Lord of the Rings Collectors Pins 2-pack
Mallorn blad en de Ene Ring speldjes
The Lord of the Rings Collectors Pins 2-pack
Arwen Evenstar en Phial van Galadriel speldjes
The Lord of the Rings Collectors Pins 2-pack
Minas Tirith en Barad-dûr/Doemberg speldjes
The Lord of the Rings Collectors Pins 2-pack
Hobbits to Isengard/My Preciousss speldjes
The Prancing Pony/the Green Dragon speldjes
Set promo-buttons Lord of the Rings tekenfilm
Fellowship of the Ring promo button
New Line Cinema
Kop Gollem. Emaille speldje
Gollem promo-button
The Return of the King