M41 Nimhir de Regent (los)
M66 Galion, the butler
Halls of Elven-King
M100 Mount Gundabad: Mannish Slaves
M100 Mount Gundabad: Mannish Slaves (los)
M119 The Prancing Pony: Pot Boy and dog
M121 The Prancing Pony: Drunken men
M124 The Fellowship: Strider (los)
M125 The Fellowship: Gandalf
M125 The Fellowship: Gandalf (los)
M126 The Fellowship: Legolas
M127 The Fellowship: Gimli
M128 The Fellowship: Boromir
M128 The Fellowship: Boromir (los)
M131 Meester van Meerstad (los)
M132 Bard of Esgaroth (los)
M140 Grote Adelaar, Bilbo en Dori (los)
M141 Great Goblin op troon (los)
M142 Personalities: Glorfindel te paard
M142 Personalities: Glorfindel te paard (los)
M145 Gorgoroth: the Mouth of Sauron (los)
M146 Gorgoroth: Mounted Nazgûl
M148 Gorgoroth: Olog-Hai Troll
M159 Durin's Folk: Dwarven Infantery
M160 Durin's Folk: Dwarven Alchemist
M165 Ghost Warriors: Eribhen en Ruil
M166 Ghost Warriors: Tughaib of the Spirits
M167 Ghost Warriors: Walking Dead
M168 Ghost Warriors: Ghoul
M170 Ghost Warriors: Menoib, Dunland Chieftain
M170 Ghost Warriors: Menoib, Dunland Chieftain (los)
M171 Ghost Warriors: Solophen, Dunlending Shaman
M173 Ghost Warriors: Skeleton of the Under-Deeps
M174 Ghost Warriors: Cave Troll of the Under-Deeps
M176 Isengard: Gandalf te Orthanc
M176 Isengard: Gandalf te Orthanc (los)
M177 Isengard: Dunlendings of Isengard
M178 Isengard: Ugluk, White-Hand Orc
M179 Isengard: Half Orcs of Saruman
M182 Isengard: Menselijke kapitein van Orthanc
M183 Isengard: White-Hand Orc with Merry
M184 Isengard: White-Hand Orc with Pippin
M185 Boombaard, Merijn en Pepijn (los)
M188 Fangorn: Fimbrethil Entwife
M188 Fangorn: Fimbrethil Entwife (los)