Piero Crida, Farmer Giles of Ham print
Piero Crida, Smith of Wootton Major print
Linda Garland, The Breaking of the Fellowship
Roger Garland, Gollum print
Roger Garland, Lúthien in the Woods of Neldoreth print
Roger Garland, Last Journey of Boromir print
Roger Garland, The King's Arrival
Roger Garland, Lúthien in the Woods ets
Donato Giancola, The One Ring print
Donato Giancola, The Hobbit (Expulsion)
Donato Giancola, Smaug print
Donato Giancola, The Lord of the Rings print
Donato Giancola, Gandalf. The Shadow of the Past print
Donato Giancola, Then There Were Three... print
Steve Hickman, Battle before the Gate print
Christopher Enterprises, 1976
Steve Hickman, Citadel at Sunrise print
Christopher Enterprises, 1976
Steve Hickman, The Dread Vale print
Christopher Enterprises, 1976
Greg Hildebrandt, The Gift of the Elf Queen print
Unicorn Publishing, 1993
Greg Hildebrandt, The Ring of the Elf Queen print
Unicorn Publishing, 1993
Gebroeders Hildebrandt, The Final Batte print
New York, 2001
Gebroeders Hildebrandt, Dragon's Lair: Smaug
New York, 2001
Gebroeders Hildebrandt, The Siege print
New York, 2001
Gebroeders Hildebrandt, The Siege, versie 2
John Howe, Gandalf and the Balrog print
999 Games, 1996.
John Howe, Gandalf and the Balrog print (wat schade)
999 Games, 1996.
John Howe, The Dark Tower print
999 Games, 1996
John Howe, Isengard print
Jay Johnston, Frodo de Ringdrager
Jay Johnston, Frodo Balings
Jay Johnston, Théoden van de Rohirrim
Michael Kaluta, The Black Gate is Closed print
Glimmer Graphics, 1994
Tim Kirk, Gandalf and Saruman
Tim Kirk, In the Emyn Muil
Tim Kirk, The Grey Havens
Tim Kirk, The Crack of Doom
Rodney Matthews, The Lord of the Rings print
Angelo Montanini, Bard Bowman print
Angelo Montanini, Olog-Hai print