Myth & Magic. The Complete Fantasy Reference
Titan, 1999
Michael Nagula, Tolkiens Welt
Von A wie Auenland bis Z wie Zauberring
Michael W. Perry, Untangling Tolkien
A Chronology and Commentary for The Lord of the Rings
Frank Rottensteiner, The Science Fiction Book. An Illustrated History
Londen, 1975
Ingvar Svensson, Tolkiens Midgard
en uppslagsbok
J.E.A. Tyler, The Tolkien Companion. Macmillan, 1976 (1e druk)
The Indispensable Guide to the Wondrous Legends, History, Languages and Peoples of Middle-earth
J.E.A. Tyler, The Tolkien Companion. Gramercy, 1979
The Indispensable Guide to the Wondrous Legends, History, Languages and Peoples of Middle-earth
J.E.A. Tyler, The New Tolkien Companion. Picador, 1979
The classic Guide to Middle-earth now revised to include The Silmarillion
J.E.A. Tyler, The Complete Tolkien Companion. St Martin's Press, 2004
Fully revised and updated edition
J.E.A. Tyler, Tolkien Lexicon. Het Spectrum, 1980
J.E.A. Tyler, Tolkien Lexicon. Het Spectrum, 1980
J.E.A. Tyler, Tolkien Lexicon. Het Spectrum, 2002
Edmund Wainwright, Tolkien's Mythology for England
A Middle-earth Companion
Tolkien: A Guide. Britse publiciteitsfolder
HarperCollins, 2000
Toby Widdicombe, JRR Tolkien (12/1)
A Guide for the Perplexed