James A. Owen, The Indigo King
The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica
James A. Owen, The Shadow Dragons
The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica 4
Kees Paling, A Rumour of Adventure
An Inklings Story
Darin Parks (red.), The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy. Volume One
Calgary, 2003
Dave Seaman, Lord of the Things
The Mellow Hip of the Thing
Daniel Smith, One Eyed Nob and the Treasures of the Barrow Downs
A Tale of the Shire of Middle-earth
Daniel Smith, The Singing Bone
A Tale from Esgaroth in Middle-earth
Daniel Smith, Huntoron, the Son of Beren
Daniel Smith, Billy and Mister Pip
A Tale from Bree
Daniel Smith, The Merchant of Harad
Tales Twice Told
Daniel Smith, The Lost Song: A Tale from the Shire
The Folklore of Middle-earth
Brian M. Thomsen (red.), The Further Adventures of Beowulf
Champion of Middle-earth
Kerry Elizabeth Thompson, An Unexpected Meeting. A Tale of Arwen Undomiel
American Tolkien Society, 1995
Kay Woollard, The Terror of Tatty Walk. A Frightener
Kay Woollard, Wilmot's Very Strange Stone
Nadia Wheatley, The Night Tolkien Died
Sydney, 1994
Písne ze Stredozeme. Tsjechische Tolkienliedjes
William Morris, The Roots of the Mountains
A Book That Inspired J.R.R. Tolkien
Gerrit Jan Zwier, Tolkien als reisgenoot